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aclu seasons greetings merry christmas Resources & Information

Search Results For The Keyword - "aclu seasons greetings merry christmas"

Which Grinch Stole Christmas?
...has banished "Merry Christmas" from its "seasons-greetings" repertoire. Apparently the origins of Christmas, its ... correctness and the ACLU.

Re: Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! From: James Chang Date: December 25th 2002, 9:57pm. Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings! BTW, Screw the ACLU! :) Merry...

Save Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas... or seasons greetings everyone - whatever you prefer :-) Christmas Gift Ideas ... To the ACLU.... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Got it?

Politically Correct Christmas Greetings - Firehouse Forums -
POLITICALLY CORRECT SEASONS GREETINGS (from the legal department) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! ... I'm sure the ACLU would love for everyone...

Heads Bunker: Gun Pics for Christmas
Merry Christmas folks! Yes, have a merry Christ's Mass. Not a happy winter holiday, not 'seasons greetings', but I ... correct employers or the...

Marc Musing
To the Left: You roasted Christmas on an open fire with such a ... To the Left: I do not remember the ACLU sponsoring one “Seasons...

The Most Politically Incorrect Phrase (Merry Christmas)
Keyes2000mt. Merry Christmas. I said it. No, not Happy Holidays, not seasons greetings, but Merry Christmas. I’m ... certainly cause the ACLU...

Don't Say "Merry Christmas"- -It is not PC
As I entered the aircraft, I got a "Seasons Greetings." Oh well, better give it a shot: "Merry Christmas." ... Merry Christmas. And to the ACLU and...

Re: Seasons Greetings!
...it is Christmas day. So don't be afraid, the ACLU won't sue you--say it--Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 Posts in Topic: Seasons Greetings!

News Hounds: Christmas Under Seige
...minority includes the ACLU ... the feelings of another human being when I say "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry...