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Questions On Christmas Cactus Q: I have several Christmas cactus plants. They stay green but don't grow or bloom. The last one I bought had buds on it but didn't bloom. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extnews/hortiscope/houseplnts/xmascctus.htm Christmas Cactus ...cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) are all epiphytes. In other words, these are cacti that grow in trees! These forest or jungle cacti grow... http://www.hewitts.com/info/garden/zygocact.htm Care of Christmas Cactus CARE OF CHRISTMAS CACTUS ... a single plant to be passed down from generation to generation because they're long-lived, rather easy plants to grow. http://www.humeseeds.com/xmasccts.htm Christmas Cactus - Welcome to the Denver Plants eZine How to grow Christmas Cactus... http://www.denverplants.com/ezine/11_03.htm Fernlea Flowers - Christmas Cactus How to get your Christmas cactus to flower These plants are easy to grow but are sometimes difficult to get to bloom. http://www.fernlea.com/xmas/cactinfo.htm How Do I Grow & Propagate Christmas Cactus - Arizona Gardening How Do I Grow & Propagate Christmas Cactus ... 1. Take at least a 3 or 4 stem segment and twist it off at the joint. http://faq.gardenweb.com/faq/lists/azgard/2003044719003313.html Christmas Cactus The potting media must be well-drained with good aeration, because the Christmas cactus does not grow well in heavy, wet mixes. http://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheets/HGIC1554.htm Christmas Cactus - House plants - Denver Plants.com How to grow your Christmas cactus... http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/zygo.htm Crop: Holiday cactus ...or Cactus. Most of the plants grown commercially and investigated in the literature are probably Thanksgiving Cactus. Both plants grow... http://www.ag.auburn.edu/landscape/Hcactus.htm Care of Cactus in the Home, G74-187-A Cool winter temperatures are not a necessity for cactus plants, but these conditions approach the environment in which cacti normally grow. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/g187.htm |