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O Christmas Tree: The Origin and Meaning of the Christmas Tree The Origin and Meaning of the Christmas Tree. By Pastor Richard P. Bucher... http://users.rcn.com/tlclcms/chrtree.htm Symbols, Customs, Traditions of Christmas - Christmas Tree, Xmas,... The Christmas Tree The Christmas Tree originated in Germany in the 16th century. ... Xmas This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. http://wilstar.com/xmas/xmassymb.htm ChristStory Christmas Tree Page ...verifiable reference to a Christmas tree appears almost 60 years after his death, this origin is largely discounted. The Christmas tree as we... http://ww2.netnitco.net/users/legend01/xmastree.htm Christmas Tree Origin Christmas Tree Origin... http://www.junkbrosnews.com/Dec04-b/christmas%20tree%20origin.htm Domestic-Church.Com: Articles: Christmas Traditions, Part One ...the tree's fruit--the pine cone. If a cone is cut lengthwise the hand may still be seen. What is the origin of Christmas cards? The Christmas... http://www.domestic-church.com/CONTENT.DCC/19971201/ARTICLES/ADVTRAD1.HTM christmas tree decoration and its history History, Origin, Legend & Decoration of the Christmas Tree. Back to History Index '); '); Get a Santa Claus suit! http://www.theholidayspot.com/christmas/history/xmas_tree.htm Christmas traditions, Christmas tree history Then the tradition crossed the Atlantic with the Hessian soldiers. Some people trace the origin of the Christmas tree to an earlier period. http://www.christmas-tree.com/where.html The Christmas Tree The Christmas Tree. For families in North America, Germany and other parts of Europe, the Christmas tree is the symbol of the Christmas season. http://www.christmas.com/pe/1324 ORIGIN OF - "THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" ORIGIN OF "THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" An Underground Catechism ... The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. http://www.cin.org/twelvday.html Howstuffworks "How Christmas Works" ...people give each other presents on Christmas day? Is December 25 really the day Jesus was born? Why is there a small evergreen tree in your... http://www.howstuffworks.com/christmas.htm |