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christmas vacation Resources & Information

Search Results For The Keyword - "christmas vacation"

National Lampoon's Christmas vacation (1989) - Movie Info : VHS /...
National Lampoon's Christmas vacation ... Cult / Comedy, 1989

The Nitpickers Site: MOVIE - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -...
Index of nitpicks on the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Christmas Vacation Movie Quotes - Atlyrics.com
Christmas Vacation (1989) Bethany: Is your house on fire, Clark? Clark Griswold: No, Aunt Bethany, those are the christmas lights.

Big Frog Blog
October 03, 2005...

Home Alone (1990)
Plot Outline: An eight year-old, who is accidentally left behind while his family flies to France for Christmas, has to defend his home...

Miami.com : Miami & Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Dolphins & More
Dear Reader: Miami.com is now Herald.com!

CanadianMoose.com: Moose Mugs (eggnog cups, Marty Moose glasses,
Looking for (John Hughes) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation fan club memorabilia? Here are our versions of the Bullwinkle moose Marty Moose...

Christmas Vacation (1989)
Christmas Vacation - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,...

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Holidays (How the Grinch Stole...
Seussian response to a lawyer's contested request for Christmas vacation.

The Flick Filosopher | National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
What does National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation have in common with It's a Wonderful Life? Well, some would argue that both are holiday classics, in...