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Search Results For The Keyword - "coca-cola christmas cards"
Jim Harrison : 1999 Coca-Cola Christmas Cards 1999 Coca-Cola Christmas Cards 4.5" x 6.25" 20 Cards Per Box Message Inside: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year $18 http://www.jimharrison.com/store/ccc99.html A Coca Cola Christmas Have a Santa and a Smile The image of the red-suited Santa that saturates our culture every December comes from none other than Coca-Cola. http://www.angelfire.com/trek/hillmans/xmascoke.html COCA COLA SANTA STORE - SALE! Coca Cola Collectibles Coca Cola Collectible Santa Store - celebrates Christmas all year round with the world-famous Coca Cola Santa Claus! First illustrated by Haddon... http://www.2collectcola.com/page/ACC/CTGY/S PCReview: Fraser's Razor by Ian Fraser: 'The Christmas Column You... Go stare at the modern emergence of The Coca Cola Santa Claus. http://www.chico.mweb.co.za/pc/razor/2002/dec/021219-raz.htm *Ø* Wilson's Almanac free daily ezine | Christmas | Folklore How The Santa we know is a late-nineteenth century creation of Coca-Cola’s ad department. (Moore, by the way, might not be the poem's author. http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/xmas.html Create your Own Customised Coca-Cola Christmas Card Add a personal touch this Christmas by sending a unique greeting to your friends -- a "Coca-Cola" Christmas Tree you've decorated yourself! http://www.xmshowcase.com/coca-cola/xmas_cards_splash.shtml CHRISTMAS - XMAS - SANTA CLAUS Postcards - Walt's Postcards COCA COLA SANTA'S ... CCS925. (No words) On back-Happy Holidays (Lge sitting SANTA holding old glass Coca Cola bottle, top to side amongst red train... http://www.thepostcard.com/walt/greet/xmas/xmas1.htm Jim Harrison : 2004 Coca-Cola Christmas Cards 2004 Coca-Cola Christmas Cards 4.5" x 6.25" 20 Cards Per Box Message Inside: Seasons Greetings $18 http://www.jimharrison.com/store/ccc04.html Coca-Cola Christmas Holiday Collector Cards [A Coca-Cola Christmas] Featuring the Art of Haddon Sundblom Comic Images - 2001 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/allender/cokechrs.htm Create your Own Customised Coca-Cola Christmas Card Home The "Coca-Cola" Festive Card Promotion Shopping Bargains! | Entertainment Value! | Cheap Eats! http://www.xmshowcase.com/coca-cola/xmas_cards_examples.shtml |