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NU IANR News: Keep Christmas Trees Fresh and Safe (Dec-04-00) ...cut your own Christmas tree or purchase it from a retail lot, there are several things that can be done to keep the tree as fresh as possible... http://ianrnews.unl.edu/static/0012041.shtml How to cut Christmas trees to keep fresh. ...bow and slap on a colorful label announcing, "Christmas Tree Water." So, that's really all there is to keeping your tree looking fresh? http://pasco.ifas.ufl.edu/hort/christmas_trees/keeping_christmas_trees_fresh.htm Tips on keeping a Christmas tree fresh and safe (Gladwin, Michigan )... Tips on keeping a Christmas tree fresh and safe... http://www.gladwinmi.com/placed/story/12-06-2000treefresh.html ABC News: Econ Edge: The Economic Week ...for the cut Christmas tree market on approximately 450,000 acres. It is estimated that 100,000 people are employed by the fresh Christmas tree... http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=339743 Blue Mountain Trees ...a variety of fresh, beautiful, long-lasting Christmas trees delivered right to your door. Our trees are hand picked on our own 500-acre tree... http://www.bluemountaintrees.com/ Christmas Trees & More-Tree Care ...will keep a tree fresh. Check all Christmas tree lights for worn electrical cords. Use UL approved electrical decorations and cords. Unplug tree... http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/trees/treecare.html Keeping Your Christmas Tree Fresh Keeping Your Christmas Tree Fresh ... Jean McCloskey http://www.ccffa-oswa.org/ChristmasTips.html Tips for Selecting and Keeping a Fresh Christmas Tree Penn State Ag Sciences Newsline - Tuesday, December 8, 1998 Tips for Selecting and Keeping a Fresh Christmas Tree Suggested Intro: http://www.aginfo.psu.edu/radio/scripts/1298081.html Care for and Keep a Cut Christmas Tree Fresh Water and keep a cut christmas tree fresh through the new year. These simple steps help you keep a cut Christmas tree fresh through the holiday... http://forestry.about.com/c/ht/00/07/How_Keep_Christmas_Tree0962932672.htm National Christmas Tree Association Real Tree" national contest. They took pictures of their family next to a fresh, real Christmas Tree and wrote a short story on why the tree is... http://www.realchristmastrees.org/ |