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Whole Pop Magazine Online ...a new book, "Author Unknown," (Henry Holt & Company) Mr. Foster argues that "A Visit From St. Nicholas," first ... According to Livingstone's... http://www.wholepop.com/972598964/index_html New Page 3 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (or A Visit from St. Nicholas) by Clement Clarke ... writers, most notably children's poet Henry Livingstone, Jr... http://www.chs.riverview.wednet.edu/Staff/Hall/Holiday%20Projects/KatieBreiwick_Santa/pagethree.htm NINETEENTH-CENTURY AMERICAN CHILDREN & WHAT THEY READ: Some of Their... "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (December 1853) reprints a poem already well known to ... -- uses Henry Morton Stanley's search for David Livingstone... http://www.merrycoz.org/MAGS.HTM Portage: Stuff Worth Saving Lord Tennyson, Mark Twain, Henry "Dr. Livingstone, I ... from St. Nicholas ... 1918 St. Nicholas Cover. Biography of ... If the idea of a visit... http://helloha.blogspot.com/2002_05_01_helloha_archive.html The Nitpickers Site: Movie Comment - Santa Clause, The - 1994 ...who stole the credit for A Visit From St. Nicholas. Though still somewhat disputed, it is generally now known that Major Henry Livingstone Jr... http://www.nitpickers.com/movies/comments/32591.html A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS NY POST ^ | December 24, 2003 | EDITORIAL ... man, Major Henry Livingston. The ... Santeclaus and with Livingstone... http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1045935/posts American Christmas Origins The classic poem A Visit from St. Nicholas [or ''Twas the Night Before Christmas ... in a book in 1837. Foster suggests Henry Livingstone, a... http://www.bsu.edu/web/01bkswartz/xmaspub.html ibooknet Newsletter featuring Fore-edge Painting by Stephen Foster ...the poem, properly titled A Visit From St Nicholas, is disputed. The claims of the Livingstone family that their ancestor, Henry Livingstone Jr... http://www.ibooknet.co.uk/archive/news_jan05.htm Kids Be Safe:Category Top/Kids and Teens/School... Doris Burn - Andrew Henry's Meadow, The ... Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863) - A Visit From St. Nicholas ... "Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?" by The... http://www.kidsbesafe.org/Category537765.html 21st Street: A New York Songline ...who developed much of Chelsea (and who reputedly wrote "A Visit From St. Nicholas"). ... in 1879, and for Henry Morton ... his finding Dr. http://home.nyc.rr.com/jkn/nysonglines/21st.htm |