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Search Results For The Keyword - "law enforcement christmas cards"
Christmas Cards from the Edge - Christmas 1997 Christmas 1997 ... His goal is still to work in law enforcement. God is with him, his passengers on the road and those he saves in the mountains. http://www.deborahhage.com/97.htm Christmas/xmas/chrimbo, merry & happy new year cards: Sharpcards:... Christmas/xmas/chrimbo, merry & happy new year cards ... reserves the right to co-operate with law enforcement officials in the investigation of... http://www.sharpcards-greeting-cards.co.uk/xmas/ kebzero's notepad - Christmas Cards Christmas Cards Contents/Warnings: Shounen Ai, minute ... the ones he bought from weren't so keen on being associated with law enforcement, or... http://www.kebzero.com/FanWorks/Gw/ChristmasCards.html bernie :: article :: Despite US Law, Seniors Click On Canada For... ...out a manila folder stuffed with Christmas cards ... they'll keep logging on and ordering until told directly by a law enforcement officer to... http://bernie.house.gov/documents/articles/2001-08-17-Globe-Rx_Drugs.asp State Troopers Association of Nebraska - Christmas Cards Prepared... SLEBC CONTRACT. MEMORIAL - NEBRASKA STATE TROOPERS. NEBRASKA LAW ENFORCEMENT MEMORIAL. NTC UPDATES ... Christmas Cards Prepared for Mailing... http://www.netroopers.org/vnews/display.v/ART/2002/12/03/3debe68538344 Law Enforcement - Crime Clipart - Clip Art Directory Clip Art Directory - Services, Law Enforcement, Crime previews. Really cool, creative, cartoons, illustrations, photos, webart in many subjects and... http://dir.coolclips.com/Services/Law_Enforcement/Crime/crime2.html Larry's Lounge Links: Veteran, Military, Police, Psychology, Helping... Mall Patriotic American gifts and novelties Roberts Company Law Enforcement Catalog Gifts, gear and more Security Forces Christmas Cards Nuff... http://www.home.earthlink.net/%7epiglt/links.html Security Forces Christmas Cards Maybe they'll be spending Christmas Eve settling a domestic dispute as a law enforcement patrol unit in base housing. http://members.tripod.com/ouroboroso/ American News | 12/23/2003 | Law enforcement spreads Christmas cheer... Law enforcement spreads Christmas cheer to needy By Scott Waltman American News Writer. Santa Claus has already been to town. http://www.sanluisobispo.com/mld/americannews/2003/12/23/news/local/7555960.htm Roll Call Humor from the World of Law Enforcement ...more Roll Call Humor >> Got a funny law enforcement story? Send it to the webmaster Isn't it time you had your own subscription? http://www.apbweb.com/humor.htm |