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Search Results For The Keyword - "legend of santa clause"

Should a christian teach kids about Santa Clause
Merritt, please allow me compare the legend of Santa and the true story of Jesus, the real "reason for the season." Santa supposedly lives at...

It's The Norm - Imperial Palace, Dealertainers, Legends In Concert,...
...up by a special "Be a Legend Karaoke" contest ... Oh, okay, I'll let you in on a secret. Mr & Mrs Santa Clause are actually and legally...

ChristmasKringle All About Santa Clause
There are many legends of St. Nicholas, but this is the most famous legend and it includes elements of today's Santa:

Santa Clause--the mysteries behind the legend, Dec. 6, 2001 InView
Santa Claus — the mysteries behind the legend The origins of our jolly red gift-deliverer...

History of Santa Claus
...where Santa Claus actually came from. Where did he live when he wasn't delivering presents? Those questions gave rise to the legend that Santa...

The Santa Clause (1994)
The Santa Clause - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,...

The Real Saint Nicholas
Santa Quick Links: ~ The Real Saint Nicholas ~ Saint Nicholas - The Legend Begins ~ Santa Discovers America ~ Santa Around the World! ~ Santa USA...

The Day Santa Clause Was Baptized
The Day Santa Clause Was Baptized Kenneth Sublett, Hohenwald, Tennessee...

Santa Clause Time-Line - Legend Cards
FREEZonE Freebies! Back To Santa Legends Card ... Click Here To Create-A-Card More Legend Cards Index Timeless Greetings...

Santa Clause
...pens pencils Objectives: To learn about the legends and stories about Santa Clause. To learn about the history of the legend and facts in...