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origin of xmas
Sponsored Links origin of xmas Solutions origin of xmas Articles. History Channel - Christmas...

The Traditions of Christmas
The term "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" is Greek in origin.

Origin of X in Xmas - BETTER ANSWER
A forum participant writes: Origin of X in Xmas - BETTER ANSWER.

Symbols, Customs, Traditions of Christmas - Christmas Tree, Xmas,
Xmas This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos.

WebWeaver Productions : web design : Origin Xmas card
Origin Xmas card ... back URL: origindesign.co.nz/hohoho Size: 1 page Client: Origin Design Dates: December 2002...

Origins of Christmas
...mistletoe, holly wreaths, Jesus Christ, Santa Claus and Xmas trees have in ... the Spanish word posada, meaning "inn" or "lodging", has its...

osCommerce Experts - Origin Of Xmas Carols - Practical Advice for...
Origin Of Xmas Carols...

Origin of Christmas
CHRISTMAS - Xmas & Saturnalia - Xmas Origin - Xmas Date - Xmas Symbols - Xmas Development - Xmas Parallels EASTER...

Test Your Nativity Knowledge: Answers
...chi" looks like an "X." Since the name of Christ begins with chi (x), Christmas became abbreviated in Europe around the 16th century as "Xmas."

Take Our Word For It Issue 67
Regarding the origin of "Xmas" mentioned in Issues 65 and 66, I thought you would be interested to know that the "San Fernando Valley...