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origin of xmas Sponsored Links origin of xmas Solutions origin of xmas Articles. History Channel - Christmas... http://www.craftsbystacy.com/origin-of-xmas.html The Traditions of Christmas The term "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" is Greek in origin. http://www.novareinna.com/festive/xmas.html Origin of X in Xmas - BETTER ANSWER A forum participant writes: Origin of X in Xmas - BETTER ANSWER. http://www.christmaspast.info/forums/Main01/messages/647932485.html Symbols, Customs, Traditions of Christmas - Christmas Tree, Xmas, Xmas This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. http://wilstar.com/xmas/xmassymb.htm WebWeaver Productions : web design : Origin Xmas card Origin Xmas card ... back URL: origindesign.co.nz/hohoho Size: 1 page Client: Origin Design Dates: December 2002... http://www.webweaver.co.nz/websites/website_details/origin_xmas.html Origins of Christmas ...mistletoe, holly wreaths, Jesus Christ, Santa Claus and Xmas trees have in ... the Spanish word posada, meaning "inn" or "lodging", has its... http://www.linguatics.com/origins_of_christmas.htm osCommerce Experts - Origin Of Xmas Carols - Practical Advice for... Origin Of Xmas Carols... http://www.oscommerce-experts.com/news/106744.html Origin of Christmas CHRISTMAS - Xmas & Saturnalia - Xmas Origin - Xmas Date - Xmas Symbols - Xmas Development - Xmas Parallels EASTER... http://www.davidephraim.com/HOLIDAYS/Christmas%20Origin.htm Test Your Nativity Knowledge: Answers ...chi" looks like an "X." Since the name of Christ begins with chi (x), Christmas became abbreviated in Europe around the 16th century as "Xmas." http://www.gospelcom.net/watkins/ctriv10.htm Take Our Word For It Issue 67 Regarding the origin of "Xmas" mentioned in Issues 65 and 66, I thought you would be interested to know that the "San Fernando Valley... http://www.takeourword.com/Issue067.html |