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The Origin of Santa Claus and the Christian Response to Him The Origin of Santa Claus and the Christian Response to Him. By Pastor Richard P. Bucher... http://www.ultranet.com/~tlclcms/santa.htm All about Santa Claus (a.k.a. St. Nickolas, Father Christmas, etc.) Origin of Santa Claus: 4th century: There are two main, incompatible belief systems about St. Nicholas: http://www.religioustolerance.org/santa1.htm Santa Claus Facts, Origin and fun Tidbits Shop On Line... Santa Claus St. Nicholas Multicultural Santa ... those with pagan origin Origins of Santa's many funny traditions and customs: http://www.lnstar.com/mall/main-areas/santafaq.htm History of Santa Claus The history of Santa Claus... http://www.the-north-pole.com/history/index.htm Merry Christmas Santa Claus, Santa Claus History, Santa Claus... Merry Christmas Santa Claus from Rumela's Web. http://www.rumela.com/events/christmas_santa.htm Saint Nicholas ::: Origin of Santa Stories & Legends. A Real Person? A Real Saint? St. Nicholas Symbols. Saint Nicholas and the Origin of Santa Claus print version... http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=35 The Origin of the Santa Claus Myth The Origin of the Santa Claus Myth The American Santa Claus originally came the Dutch Saint Nicholas. http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/dehaan/christmas.html Origin Santa Claus Resources Origin Santa Claus Resources Santa Claus DVD Web Directory and Resources Sponsored Links Santa Claus DVD... http://www.santaclaus-dvd.co.uk/directory/Origin-Santa-Claus.html All about Santa Claus (a.k.a. St. Nickolas, Father Christmas, etc.) ALL ABOUT SANTA CLAUS Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. ... Topics covered in this section: Origin and history of Santa / St. Nicholas http://www.religioustolerance.org/santa.htm The Origin of Santa Claus, Part One Read how the Santa Claus we know today took hundreds of years to become who he is. It is a colorful journey that started almost 1,800 years ago. http://achievebalance.com/data/articles/santa1.htm |