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propagating christmas cactus Resources & Information
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Plant propagation - information on propagating plants Click hear to view the GardenAdvice.co.uk article on propagating Mother in laws Toungue Christmas cactus... http://www.gardenadvice.co.uk/howto/houseplant/propagation Plant Answers In some cactus species, such as the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera sp ... Care must be taken to ensure that the propagating area is free from... http://www.plantanswers.com/garden_column/july02/1.htm How Do I Grow & Propagate Christmas Cactus - Arizona Gardening Propagating Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti is easy: just cut or snap off a stem with several stem segments ("leaves") on it. http://faq.gardenweb.com/faq/lists/azgard/2003044719003313.html Heirloom Gardens and Interior Decor, Inc. Growing Christmas Cactus ... by Elmer Krehbiel, Master Gardener December 19, 2003... http://www.heirloomgardenexperts.com/articles/christmas-cactus.htm Care of Cactus in the Home, G74-187-A ...on propagating methods see NebGuide G77-337, Propagating House Plants. ... Christmas Cactus. There are many new selections of types of... http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/g187.htm Easy Cactus - Home Growing cactus and succulents at home - includes growing guides, propagation techniques, news, forum, events and shop. http://www.easycactus.co.uk/ Cactus: Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridesii) I am trying to learn propagating and care for all my plants and I understand that the Christmas Cactus should not be too difficult. http://experts.about.com/q/710/3573539.htm Propagating Christmas Cactus Propagating Christmas Cactus ... moved 182 ... the bad "The approaching if myself, thought, always grass all they problems. http://www.selige-gianna.ch/christmas/propagating-christmas-cactus.htm Pf's Christmas Cactus! And info on Christmas Cactus. CHRISTMAS (Zygocactus truncatus), or THANKSGIVING (Schlumbergera truncatus) CACTUS The Christmas... http://pages.prodigy.com/gardenshop/green45.htm Propagating House Plants; G77-337-A Propagating House Plants Dale Lindgren, Department of Horticulture Donald ... Christmas Cactus (Zygocactus spp) Tip cuttings... http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/horticulture/g337.htm |