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Bozeman's Juelie McLean's Olde World Santas - Brief History of Santa
Custom Olde World Santa Dolls, Santa Bulletin Board, History of Santa Claus, Antique Santa Post Cards, Santa Claus/Christmas Links, Meet the Artist,

The History of Santa Claus
Christmas Fun THE HISTORY OF SANTA CLAUS Santa Claus hasn't always looked like the jolly old fellow we know today.

The History of Santa Claus
The history of santa claus who started out as Saint Nicholas who would make the transition to the American Santa Claus...

History Channel - Christmas
Mall Santas A Santa By Any Other Name | The Ninth Reindeer. The Legend of St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas ... Corbis-Bettman. The legend of Santa Claus...

Merry Christmas Santa Claus, Santa Claus History, Santa Claus...
History of Santa in America: Santa Claus can be traced back for four centuries in the U.S.: 1600's: The Puritans made it illegal to...

The History of Santa Claus
The History of Santa Claus Santa Claus , legendary bringer of gifts at Christmas . He is generally depicted as a fat, jolly man with a white...

Christmas on the Net - The Many Faces of Santa
The history of Santa Claus begins with a man called Saint Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor, in what is now Turkey.

History of Santa Claus
The history of Santa Claus...

The History of Santa Claus
Day 16: The History of Santa Claus. St. Nicolas American Santa Claus ... Santa Claus has been around for a long, long time.

Santa Claus Official Newsletter - The North Pole Times!
During a demonstration of the Appendapulator, Santa Claus was popped away from the North Pole. Will Christmas Change Forever?