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The Archives of Ontario Remembers an Eaton's Christmas: An Eaton's
The Archives of Ontario Remembers an Eaton's Christmas: An Eaton's Santa Claus Parade Colouring Book with Punkinhead's North Pole Race (1960)

Toronto EMS - The 2003 Santa Claus Parade
This page provides a look at our involvement with the Santa Claus Parade.

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2004-Santa-claus-parade photos -- milana homsi photographs
Santa-claus-parade-santa Santa at the 100th Toronto Santa Claus Parade. A text-only version of this list is also available. LIST...

Rockwood Farmers Parade
Thursday, December 9th, 2004. Main Street and Highway 7 Rockwood, Ontario Visit the Parade Route Link for Route and Directions!

Windsor Jaycees Santa Claus Parade
The Windsor Jaycees Santa Claus Parade is produced each year by the Windsor Jaycees Santa Claus Parade Corporation.

Santa Claus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Santa Claus" in shopping centers ... York City - he arrives at the store by sleigh in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on the last float, and...

Santa Claus Parade Turns 100
The Santa Claus Parade as it was originally launched in 1905 in Toronto, was a ‘one-man show’ – Santa himself.

Nov. 3, 2005- Cameron Park chief is CDF Man of the Year'
He started the annual crab feed and the Santa Claus parade.

Fiesta Bowl parade Butler band's next stop
Participation in events such as Toronto's Santa Claus Parade and the Kentucky Derby Festival Pegasus Parade provide several benefits, Yaracs...