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Santa Claus village
Arctic circle and Santa's village ... date Km Location ... 17-07-95 8297 Vikaärvi On our way to Rovaniemi and the arctic circle.

Santa Claus has the Village full of new fun this year for both kids and parents. Check your Naughty or Nice rating on the new Nice-O-Meterâ„¢.

IOL: Poor Santa can't afford to reply to letters
...their letter to Santa, along with a small Christmas gift, must now enclose 79 kroner (about R80), Johansen said. In a "Santa Claus' Village" in...

History of Santa Claus
Santa Claus Village is also the location of Santa's main Post Office, which receives children's letters from the four corners of the world.

Santa Claus' Village - Joulupukin Pajakylä - Joulupukki
Welcome to Santa Claus' Village in Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland - Tervetuloa Joulupukin pajakylään Napapiirille Rovaniemelle...

Santa Claus Online! Your Santa Claus Connection.. One of The...
While you are visiting Santa Claus Online, please feel free to stop by Santa's North Pole Village, where there are lots of fun free games...

Santa Claus' Village on the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland
Welcome to Santa Claus' Village at the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland.

Santa Claus and Christmas at the Northpole
Enjoy Christmas with Santa Claus at the North pole, an award-winning Christmas web site. Send a letter to Santa Clause or a Christmas card to a...

I miss all you children and hope to see you all in December. Santa Claus, Pere Noel, Sintirklass, Sankt Nikolaus, Sanctus Nicolaus...

Santa Claus Village
Santa Claus is really excited you've come to visit, and he has the North Pole Village full of fun things to do for both kids and parents, including