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AP Worldstream : World Santa Claus convention ponders such big... AP Worldstream : World Santa Claus convention ponders such big issues as size of this year's presents @ HighBeam Research... http://static.highbeam.com/a/apworldstream/july222002/worldsantaclausconventionponderssuchbigissuesassiz/index.html Sharing Jesus in a Santa Claus World Store audio systems play “Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come.” Nativity sets are featured displays. Talk-show hosts discuss peace and hope. http://www.onmission.com/Archives/nov_dec98/santa.htm Spencer County Indiana - Legendary Faces, Legendary Places Visit Santa Claus and experience the excitement of Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, the world’s first theme park, or attend one of the... http://www.legendaryplaces.org/ SouthernIN.com - Holiday World and Splashin' Safari Holiday World and Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana... http://www.southernin.com/Pages/archives/july_00/holiday_world.html Christmas Customs: Gift Bearers of Christmas from around the world... Gift Bearers Around the World. Miss Martha ... SANTA CLAUS United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland This one needs no introduction. http://www.crechesbythesea.org/GiftBearers.html dev025 World Bank as Santa Claus Africa World Bank as Santa Claus Related items... http://www.afrol.com/Categories/Economy_Develop/dev025_xmas_debt.htm ABC13.com: Jolly fellows join in ho-ho-hos at World Santa Claus... Jolly fellows join in ho-ho-hos at World Santa Claus Congress... http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/news/bizarre/072605_APsn_santa.html BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures 8 of 8 Sweden's representative at the annual Santa Claus World Convention, being held in Copenhagen, enjoys a swim. E-mail this to a friend http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/4717821.stm |