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How Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Became _QUOTATION_San Nicola di... How St. Nicholas of Myra became San Nicola di Bari in 1087 ~~ http://members.aol.com/nonstopny/25anniv/barese.htm st_nicholas.xls 85% 9.3 ST.NICHOLAS(26) POS - Job Center November , 2004 Jobstat Report, Version 4.5 Index POS Application Wait Time SAP Vendor: ARBOR since... http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/hra/pdf/st_nicholas.pdf "Feast of St. Nicholas": Events in NYC Non-Stop New York Events The Feast of St. Nicholas: Nov. 15th - Dec. 6th, 1998 http://members.aol.com/nonstopny/25anniv/dec1998.htm WTC Site: The New St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, NYC. Design-L activity continued at Design-L.V2 Architexturez > Mail > [ Design-L.V1 ] WTC Site: The New St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, NYC. http://mail.architexturez.net/+/Design-L.V1/archive/msg21925.shtml Press Release Archives - MAYOR GIULIANI SIGNS BILL THAT NAMES... Press Release #062-00-Mayor's Office New York City NYC.govMAYOR GIULIANI SIGNS BILL THAT NAMES SECTION OF ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE IN HONOR OF JUAN PABLO... http://www.nyc.gov/html/om/html/2000a/pr062-00.html INTRODUCTION TRACING THE ST. NICHOLAS THRUST AND CAMERON’S LINE THROUGH THE BRONX, NYC. Tyrand Fuller, Lesley Short, and Charles Merguerian... http://www.geo.sunysb.edu/lig/Conferences/Abstracts99/fuller/fuller_ms.htm Fuller, Short, Merguerian 1999 - Tracing St. Nicholas thrust and... TRACING THE ST. NICHOLAS THRUST AND CAMERON’S LINE THROUGH THE BRONX, NYC Tyrand Fuller, Lesley Short, and Charles Merguerian... http://www.dukelabs.com/Abstracts%20and%20Papers/TFetal99n.htm st.N's_nyc Help to rebuilt St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Send Money to Atlantic Bank ( Brooklyn) Account: 09-062602 Or to any Atlantic Bank by... http://www.omogenia.com/photogallery/st_N's_nyc.htm Beliefnet.com St. Nicholas in NYC Ground ZERO. This is a forum to debate the relative merits of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. http://www.beliefnet.com/boards/message_list.asp?boardID=16835&discussionID=321507 [NYC-L] st.nicholas albanian church organized dinner dance [NYC-L] st.nicholas albanian church organized dinner dance angelo williams fearff at yahoo.com Sun May 16 16:51:42 EDT 2004... http://www.alb-net.com/pipermail/nyc-l/2004-May/000577.html |