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St. Nicholas of Myra ...was not a church that did not have some sort of shrine in honor of St. Nicholas and the Russian Orthodox Church observes even the feast of the... http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/NICHOLAS.htm Patron Saints Index: Saint Nicholas of Myra Profile of St. Nicholas. Illustrated. Gives as variants on the saint's name: Mikulas, Nicolas, Niklas, Klaus, Santa Claus, Nicholas of Bari, and... http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintn01.htm Saint Nicholas ::: Discovering the Truth About Santa Claus HOME | SITE MAP WHO IS ST. NICHOLAS | AROUND THE WORLD | HOW TO CELEBRATE | EVENTS | FOR KIDS SHOP | GALLERY | CHURCH GAZETTEER | ABOUT ST. NICHOLAS http://www.stnicholascenter.org/ Hello Sinterklaasje! Saint Nicholas, a saint for today. St. Nicholas Church. Sinterklaas, a dutch tradition. Saint Nicholas explained. Memories of Sinterklaas... http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~erik/sint/sint.html CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Nicholas of Myra ...children on 6 December, the day on which the Church celebrates his feast; in the United States and some other countries St. Nicholas has become... http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11063b.htm Walkabout Travel Gear (tm) myra, turkey ...arrested while visiting Turkey, you'd better pray to St. Nick.) The origin of ... The Church of Saint Nicholas is in Myra, built after his... http://www.walkabouttravelgear.com/myra.htm Bozeman's Juelie McLean's Olde World Santas - Brief History of Santa Eventually the Catholic Church started celebrating Christmas and St. Nicholas was incorporated into the season. ©1996 Juelie McLean http://www.santalady.com/history.html Saint Nicholas ::: Origin of Santa ...figurehead of St. Nicholas; that St. Nicholas Day was observed in the colony; that the first church was dedicated to him: and that St. Nicholas... http://www.stnicholascenter.org/Brix?pageID=35 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church has a new web address St. Nicholas Orthodox Church has moved. The new web address is: http://www.saintnicholasorthodox.org. Please visit our new internet site http://www.synesius.com/stnicholas Domestic-Church.Com: Saint Profile: Saint Nicholas The Russian Church seems to honor him more than any other saint after the Apostles. Experienced Families St. Nicholas' Day. By Shonnie Scarola... http://www.domestic-church.com/CONTENT.DCC/19981101/SAINTS/nicholas.htm |