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GCSE Nuclear Radiation: Famous people
JJ Thomson proposed the "Plum-pudding" model of the atom. (He also discovered the existence of electrons, in 1897). This model was an attempt to...

PinkMonkey.com Physics Study Guide - Section CHAPTER 31 : STRUCTURE...
Please Take our User Survey. WebMasters Click Here CHAPTER 31 : STRUCTURE OF ATOMS 31.1 Thomson's Jelly and Plum-Pudding Model...

J. J. ThomsonsPlum-puddingModel
J. J. ThomsonsPlum-puddingModel After its discovery, the electron was assumed to be a part of the atom. Thomson proposed...

From Thomson's Corpuscles to the Electron
Thomson proposed a model, sometimes called the "plum pudding" or "raisin cake" model, in which thousands of tiny, negatively charged...

From his work, Thomson developed a new model for the atomic structure - the plum pudding model.

J. J. ThomsonsPlum-puddingModel
Thompson explained emission lines by assuming his electrons were trapped in a continuous blob of positive charge, like negative plums in a positive

Joseph John Thomson Model
...proposed that the "corpuscles" Thomson spoke of were actually free electron patricles. Thomson designed the famous "plum pudding model" shown...

The Plum Pudding Model
...in the 20th century Thomson had revised the idea of the atom to include electrons. His model was called the plum- pudding model because the...

Rutherford Scattering
Rutherford Scattering: Thomson Model of an Atom Michael Fowler, UVa...

ChemTeam: Thomson Model of the Atom
...referred to as Thomson's "plum pudding model," where the pudding represents the sphere of positive electricity and the bits of plum scattered...