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PinkMonkey.com Physics Study Guide - Section 31.2 Rutherford's... 31.1 Thomson's Jelly and Plum-Pudding Model 31.2 Rutherford's Experiments on the scattering of the a- particle and the Nuclear atom model http://www.pinkmonkey.com/studyguides/subjects/physics/chap31/p3131201.asp Guestbook Ralph's Guestbook-October 15,1997-March 28,1998 http://members.aol.com/profchm/rlgstbk5.html PinkMonkey.com Physics Study Guide - Section CHAPTER 31 : STRUCTURE... Please Take our User Survey. WebMasters Click Here CHAPTER 31 : STRUCTURE OF ATOMS 31.1 Thomson's Jelly and Plum-Pudding Model... http://www.pinkmonkey.com/studyguides/subjects/physics/chap31/p3131101.asp Chapter 5 - Structure of Atoms Models of the Atom J. J. Thomsons plum pudding model. Contradicted by Ernest Rutherfords Scattering experiment - Figure 5-4 & 5-5... http://blue.utb.edu/bdavis/chap5.htm Notes 2_7 (The "plum pudding model") So, if the radius of hydrogen is about 10^-10m, he pictured this as ... the hydrogen was the same as Thomsons electron! http://www.colorado.edu/physics/phys2170/phys2170_spring96/notes/2170_notes2_7.html 99031 Science 3/4 U E/R EXAMINATION REPORT HSC 1998 Science 3/4 Unit© Board of Studies 1999 Published by Board of Studies NSW GPO Box 5300 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Tel: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/hsc_exams/hsc2000exams/hsc00_science34/98E_SC34.PDF Guestbook Also, the Bohr model for hydrogen should be included. Also Thomsons 1897 plum pudding model. http://members.aol.com/profchm/rlgstbk4.html ATOMIC MODELS ...this new information Thomson developed the Plum Pudding Model of the atom. This model said that ... was 1.6 x 10-19 C 7.) using Thomsons charge... http://pk014.k12.sd.us/chemistry/chapter%20three/atomic%20models%20notes.htm Pigs target school children with porn ...model thomsons quantum mechanical model of an atom john daltons model of the atom john dalton atom model plum pudding model of atom 3 d model... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1295292/posts Thomson Model of the Atom ...to as Thomson's "plum pudding model," where the pudding represents the sphere of positive electricity and the bits of plum scattered in the... http://www.salem.k12.va.us/staff/sjones/chemweb/atomstru/atthomso.htm |