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Search Results For The Keyword - "toronto santa claus parade"

NTCI : News : NT Marchers Endure the Snow at the Toronto Santa Claus
Transitions Gr 8->9 ... Trustee - J.Matlow ... TSSAA 100 NT Marchers Endure the Snow at the Toronto Santa Claus Parade November 17, 2002...

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Toronto EMS - The 2003 Santa Claus Parade
Santa Claus Parade Hotline - (416) 599-9090, #500 http://www.thesantaclausparade.com. Toronto maps | Get involved | Toronto links ©City of...

Toronto Santa Claus Parade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toronto Santa Claus Parade...

Information about Canada FDC: 34¢+39¢+68¢ Toronto Santa Claus...
Canada FDC: 34¢+39¢+68¢ Toronto Santa Claus Parade Combination

The Canadian Club of Toronto - Media advisory - Ron D. Barbaro -...
The Canadian Club of Toronto - Media advisory - Ron D. Barbaro - Co-Chair, Toronto Santa Claus Parade - 100 Years of Smiles: Celebrating the 100th...

whatsonwhen.com - Toronto Santa Claus Parade
Toronto Santa Claus Parade...

Michael Bedard
Toronto Santa Claus Parade is the world's longest running children's parade. This year (2004) marks the parade's 100th anniversary. The Parade...

Toronto Santa Claus Parade - definition of Toronto Santa Claus...
One of the best known Santa Claus parades is the Toronto Santa Claus Parade, held annually near the middle of November in Toronto, Ontario,

Toronto Santa Claus Parade
Toronto Santa Claus Parade ... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes ... 17-11-2003, 01:48 AM #1. Springfield Grove ... Guest...