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Victorian Christmas ...information and a detailed explanation, please visit my "HOME" page at "Victorian Lace ~ Victorian Lifestyles: The Victorian Era" http://www... http://www.geocities.com/victorianlace15/VictorianChristmas.html A Victorian Christmas - Christmas is coming! Easter & Springtime. In Fairyland. Christmas & New Year ... A Victorian Christmas. A Christmas Menagerie. Printed Ephemera. The Calendar. ... http://www.scrapalbum.com/vxhome.htm Victorian Via Von's ~ A Very Victorian Christmas Traditions Victorian Via Von is complete with Victorian information, resources, recipes, and traditions. Stop by just to visit the Victorian Greeting Card... http://www.victorian-via-von.com/victorianchristmas/xmastraditions.htm Christmas traditions Explores Christmas traditions and customs around the world. http://www.soon.org.uk/christma.htm Christmas in the Victorian Era A page of Victorian Christmas Traditions. It includes Victorian crafts, Victorian party games and some Victorian recipies. http://www.thecompletevictorian.homestead.com/Christmas.html Dickens' Christmas Page At the beginning of the Victorian period the celebration of Christmas was in decline. The medieval Christmas traditions, which combined the... http://www.fidnet.com/~dap1955/dickens/christmas.html A Victorian Christmas - christmas celebrations and traditions Victorian Christmas celebrations - article in history magazine... http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/England-History/VictorianChristmas.htm Victorian Christmas SITE MAP CHRISTMAS DECORATING ENTERTAINING CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS GIFT CHILD'S CHRISTMAS VICTORIAN CRAFTS http://www.victoriana.com/christmas/default.htm BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Europe's Christmas kaleidoscope Needles on the carpet? Blame the Victorian Christmas traditions How do you spend Christmas? http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/newsFeedXML/moreover/-/1/hi/world/europe/4105977.stm Victorian Christmas Traditions Christmas Fun Victorian Christmas Traditions Victorian Christmas - After the Puritan ban on celebrations, it took 200 years for Christmas to... http://www.northpolesantaclaus.com/victorian_christmas_traditions.htm |