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Diplomatic Reception Room Highlighted in 2003 White House Christmas For Immediate Release Office of Mrs. Bush November 25, 2003 Diplomatic Reception Room Highlighted in 2003 White House Christmas Card http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/11/20031125-4.html REGISTER A GLOBAL USER ACCOUNT Becoming a registered member is fast and FREE. http://www.polkonline.com/stories/122202/loc_gop.shtml Vanity: I just received a BEAUTIFUL Christmas Card from President... Vanity: I just received a BEAUTIFUL Christmas Card from President and Mrs. Bush!!! White House Web site ^ | 12/10/2001 | me... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/587487/posts Official 2003 White House Christmas Card: Festively Formal Holiday... ...on exquisite handmade paper pressed from genuine clear-cut redwood and sequoia pulp, each 2003 White House Christmas card is personally faux... http://www.whitehouse.org/news/2003/122503.asp Reader Mail - WHITEHOUSE.ORG The second is that I would like to request a Christmas card from the White House. Do I have to be a personal friend to recieve a card. http://www.whitehouse.org/feedback/18.asp Season's Greetings from the White House Holiday Greeting was the White House Christmas card. 2001 Holiday Card President George W. Bush and Laura Bush Past White House Holiday... http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/holiday/cards/ Season’s Greetings from the White House - A Christmas. Season’s Greetings from the White House - A Christmas.com book Review... http://www.christmas.com/pe/885 Christmas on the Net -White House Christmas Card 2001 U.S. Presidential Christmas Card 2001 ... The card features the Second Floor Corridor of the White House with Mary Cassatt's 1908 painting, Young... http://www.holidays.net/christmas/card2001.htm Whitehouse Christmas Card To: ricer1. I ALSO RECEIVED THE WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS CARD. I THINK IT SHOW'S THE CLASS OF LAURA BUSH.QUITE DIFFERENT THEN HILLARY CLINTON. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/803875/posts Barbara Ernst Prey Designed the 2003 White House Christmas Card December 19, 2003 Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot: Barbara Ernst Prey Designed the 2003 White House Christmas Card -- Oyster Bay, New York, US. Oyster... http://www.antonnews.com/oysterbayenterprisepilot/2003/12/19/news/prey.html |