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Search Results For The Keyword - "xmail"
XMail filters What you need : XMail server (http://www.xmailserver.org) McAfee AntiVirus for Linux (http://www.nai.com) ... Filter install for XMail <= XMail... http://www.lindeman.org/filters.html XMail - DBMAIL - Squirrel Mail setup Using XMail with DBMAIL and Squirrel Mail for Webmail Services... http://www.gina.net/solution/dbmail_install.html XMail Server Tools - XMail Queue Manager (XQM) for XMail SMTP Server... XMail Queue Manager (XQM) gives full control over the mail queue of the XMail SMTP Server (a sendmail like SMTP server under Windows and Linux). http://xmail.marketmix.com/ XMail mail server v 1.21 NAME. XMail - Internet/Intranet mail server. [top] ... XMail sources compile under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, Solaris and NT/2K. http://www.xmailserver.org/Readme.html A Beginner's Guide to XMail on Linux Configure XMail's Server.tab File. First a word on XMail's configuration files in general. http://www.ubaight.com/xmail/BeginnersGuide.html XMAIL.NET - Free Web Based XMail XMAIL.NET - Free Web Based XMail... http://www.xmail.net/ search.cpan.org: Aaron Johnson / XMail-Ctrl-2.3 Modules. XMail::Ctrl Crtl access to XMail server 2.3 ... hosted by perl.org, hardware provided by... http://search.cpan.org/%7Eaaronjj/XMail-Ctrl-2.3 UMPL for Xmailserver 2.11 Installing umpl xmail. This is the description for first-time installation. http://dev.waaf.net/xmail/ XMail Home Page XMail Home Page... http://www.xmailserver.org/ XMail scripts These scripts were written to supplement the functionality of the XMail server. They are licensed under the GPL for your use. http://www.drakeconsult.com/xmail/ |