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Merry-Christmas.com Home > Traditions Holiday Stories and Traditions... http://www.merry-christmas.com/traditions.htm Symbols, Customs, Traditions of Christmas - Christmas Tree, Xmas,... The Symbols and Traditions of Christmas ... Xmas This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. http://wilstar.com/xmas/xmassymb.htm Xmas Traditions in the UK Christmas and New Year Traditions in the UK ... Go to the Welford and Wickham Primary School Xmas Page. http://homepage.mac.com/p_lanclos/library/christmas2/united%20kingdom.htm Historical Origins of Christmas Traditions Historical Origins of Christmas Traditions... http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/resource/xmastrad.htm Christmas Around the World: World Traditions of Christmas... South/Central America Caribbean Middle East Africa Additional Xmas Traditions Sites Listing Multiple Countries. World Christmas... http://www.caryn.com/holiday/holiday-xmas-world.html Re: wtd: origins of xmas traditions (tree, turkey etc) Newsgroups: uk.people.consumers Subject: Re: wtd: origins of xmas traditions (tree, turkey etc) Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 15:37:52 +0000... http://www.cyber-spy.com/consumer-groups/2078-3598.uk.people.consumers.html Howstuffworks "How Christmas Works" Why is Christmas sometimes spelled Xmas? ... › Introduction to How Christmas Works - The Complete Guide to Christmas Traditions! http://www.howstuffworks.com/christmas.htm Xmas Traditions Xmas traditions Xmas day Xmas dinner Our grandparents' Xmas Xmas in our town, Vigevano... http://www.aboutenglish.it/xmasmap.htm Xmas Traditions in the UK Christmas and New Year Traditions in the UK. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. http://www.wsgfl.org.uk/schools/st-philiphoward_www/RE%20Internet%202002/Christmas%20traditions.htm Slovaks and Christmas traditions - an overview This site is dedicated Christmas Traditions of Slovakia (Slovensko), customs, Slovensko, Slovaks, Slovakia, Slovak culture, slovak folklore music, http://www.slovak.com/xmas_traditions/index.html |